Proprietary operating systems
On proprietary operating systems, it is hard to determine if they are tampered with. Typically, they also require non-free compilation tools that can be hard to obtain for users.
The good news is that for some cases, we have free software tools which are able to cross-compile software for proprietary operating systems on free operating systems. Both Bitcoin and Tor Browser have pioneered the technique to build their Windows and Mac OS X versions.
For Windows, mingw-w64 will build Windows binaries on POSIX compatible operating systems.
NSIS can be used to create integrated installation package.
Both are readily available in several free software distributions.
Mac OS X
crosstool-ng should work to build software for Mac OS X. Sadly this seems to require a non-redistributable part of the Apple SDK. It can be extracted from XCode which can be downloaded at no charge.
Software from Mac OS X is often distributed as disk images (.dmg
) which
can be created under GNU/Linux, but it seems to require multiple tools at
Achieve deterministic builds
- 確実なビルドシステム(Deterministic build systems)
- 揮発性のある入力データは消える場合がある(Volatile inputs can disappear)
- 入力データの順序を固定する(Stable order for inputs)
- 値を初期化する(Value initialization)
- バージョン情報(Version information)
- タイムスタンプ(Timestamps)
- タイムゾーン(Timezones)
- ロケール(Locales)
- アーカイブのメタデータ(Archive metadata)
- 出力データの順序を固定する(Stable order for outputs)
- 無作為性(Randomness)
- ビルド時のファイルシステムパス(Build path)
- システムイメージ(System images)
Define a build environment
- ビルド環境に含む要素(What's in a build environment?)
- ビルド環境を記録する(Recording the build environment)
- ビルド環境の定義における戦略(Definition strategies)
- Proprietary operating systems
Distribute the environment
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